It's already Chrismas brake and as we know that's the time when we usually relax after a long year and give presents to your closest friends and relatives. However in England they are tared between the holiday and the live matches from the Barclays Premier League which will be followed with lots of emotions for the fans and people will have a great time wathing them in the stadiums. Even if you are not interested in sport especially in football, you can't ignore the fact that Engalnd is the "Country of Football" and everyone has some interst in that sport. As you know if you love football or just have some minor favours for that sport you have to support a team because that's the first you will be asked thare. I'll show you some English teams and also their results troughout the pasted year.
1st-Chelsea-The best team for the first half of the season so far(my favourite team). They were like machines and did't stop until they "humiliated" all the other famous teams like Liverpool(Chelsea Fc 2-0 Liverpool Fc), Manchester United(Chelsea Fc 1-0 Fc Manchester United) and Arsenal(Arsenal Fc 0-3 Chelsea Fc). As you can see they didn't have a goal scored against them in this derby matches. The problem was that they lot against mid-teams like Aston Villa, Wigan and Manchester City. But still they remain the team with the highest chances for winning tha title.
2nd-Manchester United-Their matches were not as good as Chelsea Fc matches. They made awsome matches winneng the 3 points but also did a lot of mistakes like against the unknown Fc Barnley who won with the result of 1-0. But in general they did pretty well and they also have a chance for wiining some titles.
3rd-Arenal-They had some great moments and did their job of winning point really well but in the last couple of matches they vere horrible-3 or 4 looses in a raw with is a little bit strange for a team from the the Big 4 teams in England.Arsene Wenger(thei coach)should look for and improvement or they won't qualify for the Champions League.